High Street/Cross Country Sewer System Improvement Project

Project Type:
Project Status: 
Phinney Lane to Gilman Lane
Exeter, NH
High Street/Cross Country Sewer System Improvement Project

In 2019 and 2020, sewer system modeling was conducted to identify hydraulic deficiencies in the Town's sewer interceptors and evaluate the potential impacts of future growth on the sanitary sewer system. Field surveys in 2021 confirmed deficiencies resulting from system bottlenecks, inflow/infiltration, insufficient pipe size, and inadequate pipe slopes. From 2022 to 2023, system capacity planning and sewer rehabilitation design were carried out, including CCTV inspections, flow monitoring, and an analysis of repair and replacement alternatives. The recommended improvements include connecting an existing secondary 18-inch sewer main at High Street Bridge, replacement of approximately 550 linear feet of sewer main on High Street, replacement of 2,100 linear feet of 15-inch sewer main on Gilman Lane and select Cross-Country areas  with 21-inch and 18-inch pipe, and rehabilitation of approximately 2,500 linear feet of the cross country sewer pipe between Folsom Lane and Drinkwater Road.



Status Updates

3/21/2025: Beginning late March/Early April, Underwood Engineers will begin field work related to project design and engineering, including subsurface borings and CCTV inspection.