Linden Street Little River Bridge Replacement Bid
Sealed proposals for the Bridge Replacement over Little River at Linden Street in Exeter, New Hampshire will be received at the Town Office, 10 Front Street (“the OWNER”), Exeter, New Hampshire, 03833 until 2:00 pm, June 8, 2015. Bids received after the specified time will not be accepted.
The project is located just south of the Exeter Cemetery on Linden Street in the Town of Exeter, New Hampshire. The project begins approximately 150 feet north of NHDOT Bridge No. 087/062 and continues south through the bridge approximately 350 feet. The project consists of removal and replacement of two existing corrugated metal pipe (CMP) arches spanning the Little River with a precast concrete adjacent box beam structure founded on stub abutments with steel pile foundations. At the structure, the channel will have a natural stream bed with riprap channel protection along the banks. The project includes installation of the bridge structure, reconstruction of the paved roadway with profile adjustments, installation of guardrail, slope protection, relocation of a water main, and other ancillary work.
Plans and specifications may be viewed at the offices of:
(1) Exeter Department of Public Works, Town of Exeter, 13 Newfields Road, Exeter, NH 03833
(2) CMA Engineers, Inc., 55 South Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101
(3) CMA Engineers, Inc., 35 Bow Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801
(4) Construction Summary of New Hampshire, 734 Chestnut Street, Manchester, NH 03104
(5) Infinite Imaging, 933 Islington Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801
(6) Associated General Contractors of NH, 48 Grandview Road, Bow, NH 03304
Copies of the plans and specifications may be obtained through the online plan room at Infinite Imaging
Bidders will be required to furnish a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid, and the successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each in the amount of 100% of the Contract Price. Work is anticipated to commence by June 29, 2015. Substantial Contract completion date shall be October 30, 2015. Final Contract completion date shall be December 4, 2015.
The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in any or all proposals, to reject any or all proposals, or accept any proposal submitted for the project, as deemed by the Owner to be in its best interests based upon qualifications, experience, demonstrated ability to perform, cost, and other factors deemed by the Owner to bear on the successful outcome of the Contract.