Municipal Solid Waste & Recycling Contract
The Town of Exeter, New Hampshire, will receive sealed proposals for a Municipal Solid Waste/Recycling Services Contract to include Collection, Transportation, and Disposal of Refuse/Garbage and Recyclable Materials at the Town Offices, 10 Front Street, Exeter, NH 03833, until 4 pm on April 24, 2017.
Proposals shall be submitted in sealed envelopes, shall include on the face of the envelope the name, address, and telephone contact of the Proposer and shall be clearly marked Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling Services Bid Proposal, Attention Town Manager.
All timely proposals will be opened and read aloud at the Select Board Meeting
on April 24, 2017 at 7 pm. The meeting will take place at Town Offices at 10 Front Street, Exeter NH.
No Proposer may withdraw a proposal within thirty (30) days after the date above for submission.
Once a proposal is selected, the Town Manager will submit it along with his recommendation to the Select Board for approval to negotiate and enter into a final contract. The Town of Exeter, as it determines to be in its best interest, hereby reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.