Oil Spill Boom Deployment Exercise
On Friday, July 21st the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) will be deploying oil spill containment equipment in Exeter on the Exeter River. The purpose is to exercise deployment techniques, equipment and responder effectiveness, and to test the effectiveness of two proposed spill response strategy designs. The strategies were developed in 2016 by in conjunction with NUKA Research, under an EPA funded contract. The strategy deployment will consist of placing lengths of oil boom across the river in two different locations, totaling approximately 200 feet in length at one location and 150 feet in the second location, as shown below. The spill response strategies were developed to aid in the protection of sensitive resources to a release of petroleum from the nearby railway or neighboring transportation routes.
The exercise will begin at approximately 9:00 AM and continue until approximately 2:00 PM. Details and locations are subject to change.