RFP - Utility & Roadway Design
The Town of Exeter is requesting proposals for professional engineering services for utility and roadway design on two projects within the Town.
Project 1 – Lincoln/Winter Streets
The replacement and rehabilitation of water and sewer mains in Lincoln St, Tremont St, and Daniel St (Lincoln St Area) and Winter Street are planned for 2015. The limits of Winter Street included in this project are bounded by Columbus Avenue to the south and Epping Road to the north. These areas will be referred to as the Lincoln/Winter area in this document. The Lincoln/Winter area was selected for utility upgrades because of water main breaks, poor fire flows, importance of this area in the water pipe network, and inflow/infiltration (I/I) problems in the sewers. The Town approved a warrant article in March 2014 to fund water main and sewer line improvements for Lincoln/Winter.
Project 2 – Epping Rd TIF District
In March 2015, the town voted to create a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District which included extending water and sewer service for approximately 3,700 feet and Epping Road (Route 27) and creating a new 1,500-foot road with water, sewer and drainage. New gas, electric, telecommunication, and cable/fiber optic services are also proposed for the new road. This project does not include development of the TIF district documents which will be done under a separate contract.
Engineering firms making proposals must respond in writing to all requirements of this Request for Proposals (RFP). Responses should reflect detailed considerations of the issues and opportunities presented by this specific project. Any additional information or tasks that are felt to be relevant by the responding firm should be included together with the submittal requirements.
Sealed proposals should be plainly marked "RFP No. DPW 2015-01 – Utility and Roadway Design - Engineering Services" on the outside of the mailing envelope and addressed to:
Town of Exeter
Public Works Department
13 Newfields Rd
Exeter, NH 03833
Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 2015 at the Public Works office. Six (6) copies of the proposal shall be submitted.