RFQ Consulting Services for Groundwater and Surface Water Assessment
The town of Exeter is requesting assistance with 1) the further development of groundwater sources in town and 2) an updated review of the surface water system. The town is requesting a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for professional consulting services which includes a project approach that identifies how the town can best develop groundwater sources and a review of the surface water system. Funding of $600K for this project was approved by the Town voters in March 2018.
Consulting firms submitting an SOQ must respond in writing to all requirements of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Responses should reflect detailed considerations of the issues and opportunities presented by this specific project. Any additional information or tasks that are felt to be relevant by the responding firm should be included together with the submittal requirements. Applicants must be on the pre-qualified consultant list for the NH Department of Environmental Services Water Division in the all applicable categories.
Sealed SOQ’s shall be plainly marked "RFQ No. DPW 2018-02 –Groundwater and Surface Water Assessment - Consulting Services" on the outside of the mailing envelope, addressed to the Town of Exeter Public Works Department, 13 Newfields Road, Exeter, NH 03833 will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on November 15, 2018 at the Public Works office. Four (4) copies of the SOQ shall be submitted.
Costs incurred for the preparation of an SOQ in response to this RFQ shall be the sole responsibility of the firm submitting the SOQ. The Town of Exeter reserves the right to select or reject any consulting firm that it deems to be in the best interest to accomplish the project specified. The Town reserves the right to discontinue the selection process at any time prior to the awarding of a contract. There will be no reimbursement to any candidate firm if the selection process is terminated. The Town reserves the right to waive defects and informalities of the SOQs.
Upon selection, the successful Consultant will prepare Engineering Contracts for execution. Upon execution of the Contract, the Consultant will be given the notice to proceed to perform the agreed upon services. All information, data, documents, photos, computer records and other materials of any kind acquired or developed by the Consultant pursuant to this proposal shall be the property of the Town of Exeter.