Westside Drive Area Utility Improvement Project
The Town is currently working with Underwood Engineers, Inc. to develop a plan for municipal infrastructure improvements within the Westside Drive Neighborhood. This work is part of the Town’s ongoing work to provide reliable utility services to residents and is also recommended by the Town’s sewer system Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control Plan with EPA.
Status Updates
3/18/2024: The Town will be conducting an in-person public informational meeting on March 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall about the planned Westside Drive Area Utility Improvements Project.
This meeting is a continuation of the Town’s efforts to provide residents with information about the proposed project and provide a forum for residents to ask questions. Representatives from the Town, the Town’s Engineering Consultant, Underwood Engineers, Inc. (UE), and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) will present a project status update including: project history, proposed improvements, and project schedule. Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to review the latest design drawings 1 on 1 (in small groups) with the assistance of Town DPW and UE representatives. This will provide an opportunity for residents to ask specific questions about the proposed work and how it may affect the area around their property. Please note to provide the best possible individual attention to answer questions, the meeting is being conducted in-person with no interactive virtual format. However, if you are not able to attend, the presentation will be recorded and made available on the Town’s website following the meeting. This is an important project for the Town and we thank you for your continued support.
Update 6/12/2023: Using the public feedback from the online forum and an additional survey, the Town is moving forwarded with Conceptual Roadway Plan #2, which features sidewalks only near the entrance of the neighborhood. The reasons for moving forward with Concept #2 is as follows:
Not having any sidewalks will provide more versatility to implement storm water quality alternatives throughout the project.
No sidewalks will reduce the project budget and provide contingency for additional work that may result from the final design process
The public’s preferred alternative through 2 methods of voting (public info meeting poll and web survey poll) was for the no sidewalk alternative.
Reduction in new sidewalk will reduce the Town’s long-term burden for operations and maintenance.
Update 5/17/2023: Public Works held an online information session via Zoom on Tuesday May 16th, 2023 to update the neighborhoods about the project. During the webinar they took feedback on the two alternatives available for sidewalk design. Residents from the neighborhood are encouraged to participate in a quick online survey to share your feedback.
Update 11/4/2022: Starting on or around November 11th, and through the remainder of the month you may notice personnel from Underwood Engineers, Doucet Survey and Marc Jacobs wetlands scientist gathering field information around the neighborhood. The work will include topographical survey and wetlands delineation so you may see paint markings in the road as well as survey ribbon/flagging. Much of this work will be in the street and won’t require heavy equipment or digging, but the field personnel at times will need to survey exterior portions of your property. Field personnel will carry identification and will do their best to minimize the inconvenience to you. You can help by not disturbing or removing the markings. We appreciate your understanding as we work together to keep this vital project moving forward.
Update 6/3/2022: The Select Board was given a presentation on the findings to date for the Westside Dr area project. This presentation was needed to finish the Stormwater Clean Water State Revolving Loan (CWSRF) requirements. The next phase will start the project design. Additional neighborhood meetings will still be required to refine the project scope such as utility locations, roadway width and sidewalk considerations. The presentation can be found below.